

Test-Free Admissions

Test Free Admissions

六合彩开奖结果's undergraduate admissions process is entirely test-free. This means that standardized test scores do not play any role in determining a student’s admissibility, or in awarding scholarships. Columbia will not ask students for their results from the ACT or the SAT, and those scores will not be accepted if submitted.
As part of our mission-driven commitment to access and equity, Columbia has never required standardized test results for admission. Students have always had the option to share (or withhold without penalty) their SAT or ACT scores. However, reflection and examination of our mission in the context of our institution-wide work to become anti-racist led us to conclude that being “test optional” is no longer sufficient.
The standardized tests that many colleges have come to rely on have a deep history of bias. This bias manifests itself in the separation between families who do and do not have access to tutoring and preparatory coaching for the exams, as well as in the content of the exams themselves. As a result, they have often served to exclude BIPOC and other underrepresented students from the professional opportunities and socioeconomic advancement afforded by higher education. Further, we know from years of reviewing applications and getting to know our students that these tests don’t tell us anything important about their ability to succeed at Columbia. 
We hope students will apply with the assurance that our staff will conduct a holistic review focused on in-class academic performance, creative work samples, potential to contribute to our campus community, and our expectations of a student’s success beyond graduation.

A test requirement will continue to apply to international students who cannot demonstrate English proficiency through their coursework, and the college will continue to grant college credit for qualifying scores on , and  tests.

For further questions about Columbia’s test-free policyplease contact our Admissions office at admissions@colum.edu or 312-369-7130.

Frequently Asked Questions
